To make a reservation, please send a price inquiry to To get
the best possible price, please specify the number of guests and the purpose of the visit
(organizing an event, training, vacation, etc.) and the number of overnight guests in the price request.
When accepting the price offer, we will present an invoice, which we ask to pay 1/3 of the
amount to confirm the reservation, and 2/3 must be paid on the day of the reservation,
either by transfer or on the spot.
An already-made reservation can be canceled up to 30 calendar days before the booked
date, after which the reservation will be canceled, and the Holiday Home will return the
payment made to confirm the reservation to the booker. No refunds will be made for
bookings canceled after 30 calendar days.
The booker is personally responsible for possible damage caused to the holiday home by
himself and the persons staying with him.
The holiday home is not offered for organizing parties for visitors who, as the booker, or
their attendants are younger than 25 years old. To obtain exceptions, it is necessary to
additionally guarantee that good order and the fulfillment of the conditions for nighttime
peace are ensured. Nighttime peace must be ensured between 24:00 and 08:00.
The holiday house reserves the right to refuse a reservation or cancel an already made
reservation if it has reasonable suspicion that the booker is making a reservation for
someone else who is younger than 25 years old or if the booker knowingly provides
inaccurate information regarding the purpose of the visit or the number of visitors.
The reservation must be made at least 48 hours before the desired date.
Pets by agreement!
The holiday home is handed over from 14:00 on the booked day and must be released no
later than 12:00 the next day. Special arrangements if possible.
Forus Security AS helps to ensure nighttime peace.
Contact us!
We will answer as soon as possible!